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Jun 07, 2018

Caring for Someone with Lewy Body Dementia

Senior woman with delusions caused by dementia opens the front door of her home

Live chat with expert: Angela Taylor

Angela Taylor of the Lewy Body Dementia Association and host Lakelyn Hogan of Home Instead talk about caring for individuals affected by Lewy body dementias (LBD). LBD are the second most common form of degenerative dementias after Alzheimer’s disease, but much more awareness, education and research is needed.

Topics this chat covered include:

  • The cognitive and behavioral symptoms of LBD
  • Why early and accurate diagnosis is essential
  • Care techniques and treatments to improve quality of life
  • Current research efforts
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Angela Taylor

Angela Taylor, Director of Programs for the Lewy Body Dementia Association, oversees LBDA's educational programming and is lead all of LBDA’s advocacy and research initiatives. A nationally-recognized LBD advocate, she serves on the federal Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care and Services. Prior to joining LBDA's staff, she was a family caregiver for her father who had LBD and served as President of LBDA’s Board of Directors. She has been LBDA's liaison to LBDA's Scientific Advisory Council since 2004.

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